
Heavy-Duty Aluminum Profiles

Heavy-duty aluminium profiles – maximum stability with low dead weight

Features of our heavy-duty profiles:

  • low dead weight – easy handling, weight optimisation of the construction
  • absorption of high dynamic loads – suitable for demanding ap
  • no machining of the profiles required – quick and easy assembly
  • easy to transport – aluminium construction can be dismantled in segments
  • compatibility – can be combined with the entire RK product range

If machine structures are required to be extremely stable, they are made from steel …!

This piece of construction wisdom is now well out of date! Steel and welding are things of the past. Heavy-duty aluminium profiles also guarantee stable overall constructions but are still extremely light-weight at the same time. The heavy-duty profiles of the BLOCAN® series from RK Rose+Krieger also excel with special connecting technology which has numerous advantages over conventional welded connections. Thus they provide the highest degree of flexibility for constructional solutions – in particular for portal technology. A further advantage is the very good value for money.

Design engineers demand more flexibility

The demands of design engineers for flexible and light systems can no longer be fulfilled using steel as a material. Use of aluminium outside of its established stronghold in the automotive industry is increasing. The mechanical engineering industry also benefits from the innovative aluminium profile technology. In the past, the limitations of aluminium were always demonstrated when the stability of the overall structure had to fulfil particularly high requirements. With the new BLOCAN heavy duty profile, this is no longer a problem. The 320×160 profile is more than a match for an IPE 360 double T-girder, even though it has smaller dimensions and weighs 35% less.

The aluminium profiles in the dimensions 80×80, 80×160, 80×240, 160×160, 160×240 and 160×320 mm offer a very high bending and torsional stiffness despite their low net weight. Therefore, even large portal systems and machine frames, which until now were the preserve of steel structures, can be realised in a lightweight design made from aluminium profiles.

The press mount connector

The press mount connectors, which were developed especially for heavy loads and for which a patent application is pending, represent a further highlight in this series of aluminium profiles (the derivative description ‘D’-profiles stems from the German word for press mount connector, ‘Druckverbinder’). As the name indicates, the aluminium profiles are connected by pressure and offer a highly load resistant screw connection which can be released at any time. No mechanical machining of the aluminium profiles whatsoever is necessary here, which means that assembly costs are significantly lower when compared with other profile systems and steel constructions.

Cut to size, assemble – it’s as simple as that!

The profiles are simply ordered in the desired length or cut to length, and then assembled with thrust connectors without any further processing. In the process, the position of the profiles can be changed easily as required. The connection nonetheless withstands even dynamic forces effortlessly.

Given that, compared with conventional welded connections, the work required for assembly and processing is minimal, assembly costs are accordingly low. Another advantage: Structures made from BLOCAN® heavy-duty profiles can be dismantled simply in segments. This considerably reduces the work required for transportation and even allows you to rebuild in another location or with another design.

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